Parish Quarterly - St. Paul's Church, Kandy

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Parish Quarterly Magazine (December 2023 to February 2024) - St. Paul's Church, Kandy


Message From the Vicar

"The harvest of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control"
(Galatians 5:22-23)

Dear members of the family of St.Paul’s church Kandy,

As a Christian community of Kandy, we are approaching the 4th and the final quarter of this year. Beginning with celebrating God’s creation in the month of October which is specially dedicated to St. Mary, the mother of our saviour, when we reach the end of November we will be celebrating the Kingship of Christ before we enter the season of hope, which is the Advent. This is followed by the world children’s day, elder’s day and the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Leading us to understand how important the growth in Christ and the wisdom of elders. St. Francis who is the saint of creation and peace, gives us the courage to work for peace and the environment and climate change as a stewards of God, so let us remember that it is our solemn calling to protect our mother earth, and its future. Dear faithful, as you are aware, our nation and its people have entered an extremely uncertain era where everybody feels unsafe, economically pressured. We have been a victim of some small groups of corrupt political elites and their irresponsible actions, and it is still continuing without any concern for the poor, children, elderly and the lowest class of the society New research shows, in every part of the society is suffering. Educated, skilled people are leaving their mother land. The international community is seriously concerned about what’s happening in our country,they feel sad about our country because it was a promising nation in the early 20th century. The effect of the migration of skilled labour has affected Christian communities and specially the church. St Paul’s lost many young and energetic people who can contribute to the mission of our church.

While challengers are approaching our way, the St.Paul’s family is preparing itself, to remember the month of remembrance, and Advent at the end of November, where the church is guiding us to live with “hope” in Christ as we anticipate his second coming. The inevitable challenges may help us to strengthen our selves and find ways and means to discover our potentials, and capabilities to serve Christ in a creative manner. I hope and pray that God, the Almighty, will bless us in our work and in our journey with him as we continue to strive, to reach Him through our honest commitments. It is through our prayers and earnest searching of God’s grace that we achieve this objective. I personally believe that all the committees and fellowships are preparing for Advent and Christmas. My prayer and hope is that this year we begin our preparative work early and whatever we do, do with maximum creativity and preparation I invite all the parishioners to support and participate in all the events, according to the necessities, without duplicating activities I also believe that our work and concerns should focus on what is most needed in the parish.While encouraging you all to continue mission activities in your interest areas, please uphold all the parishioners and all the work that are being undertaken in our parish.Some missions need your additional attention 1) St.Paul’s retreat house needs your support and prayers. I have appointed a temporary, 03 person committee to look after this ministry.2) Listening ministry, which we were able to begin last year (2022). New activities and silent mornings with the listening ministry If anyone needs help, please contact Mr. Chrishantha Fernando. 3) The re-structuring process of every parish committee has begun and now we are coordinating those ministries, through trustees and the parochial council. Please remember all the committees of St.Paul’s must send monthly meeting reports and financial reports 4) The 156 KII Press buildings are now rented to the diocese of Kurunegala for one year, with a memorandum of understanding, so we hope that our building project at 154 can be started as soon as possible.

5) Donation and your support required for making liturgical (uniforms) such as chasubles, albs and girdles, if you wish to support kindly contact the clergy. 6) Please remember to invite clergy, who have obtained permission to officiate from the Bishop of Kurunegala (A special license). If not discrepancies, misrepresentations, confusions and regulations can occur. 7) Please remember in your prayers, Miss Anuruddhi Indika Walgama and Mr. Paul James as they prepare themselves for their wedding on 22nd of December. 8) I am appealing to you, when you are supporting the Sunday school with gifts, to please try to arrange a additional gift for an unknown child this year. That will to an unknown child who is waiting for a gift, most probably a child from Thanthirimale and Rajanganaya. 9) Please pray for father Rasika, who has gone for his higher studies in Birmingham University. He will be returning back end of November. As I mentioned earlier our country is in a uncertain situation. We are sad to hear about all the wars that are happening all over the world. Specially pray for the people of Libya, Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, Syria, Congo and all the African nations. We are also mindful of the Christian / Muslim communities in India. They are facing a tragic situation. Let us also pray for our children, women, clergy people and young generation who are facing dangerous calamites and those who are going through man-made disasters. We Christians can be a hope for all the communities, if we are ready to sacrifice ourselves for others. As St.Paul mentioned to the Galatians, if we can only be Christlike, then other will experience the qualities of Christ and the Kingdom. Therefore let us be serious of our situation so that we can finally make a change in order to build the Kingdom of God. Thanking you.

In the name of Christ,